Tuesday, 8 September 2009

My first week here

I've been told that my blogs lack the details that the readers want, so here are some random details about my life here.

I'm living in an apartment in a room smaller than our dorm rooms at Butler. With no air conditioning. And it's 90-98 here everyday. And my walk to school is 20 minutes in the sun. The crazy part? I love all of that! The more different it is from the US, the more I like it because it means I'm getting a more unique experience!

I'm certain I've walked more in the last week here than I have the last year (with the blisters to prove it!). On the other hand, I've also probably eaten more. I feel sick almost every day from eating everything my mother gives me. It's hard for me to say if typical Spanish food is good, because I've been eating all vegetarian meals. I've had many dishes with fresh veggies, pasta with an oil dressing, cheese and tomato sandwiches, paella(a popular spanish rice dish that usually has seafood in it), and bread (which they eat with pretty much every meal). The fruits and veggies are much fresher than in the US. Spainards typically eat a lot of seafood, though I of course haven´t. I was also very saddened to hear that peanut butter is almost impossible to find here, and as I usually go thorough a can of peanut butter a week at home, this has been quite an adjustment! :)

I've hung out with some Spanish students throughout this week. They really want to practice their English and we want to practive our Spanish, so it works out perfectly.

I've signed up for classes and so far they all seem interesting. I'm taking comparing US and Spain, Spain in Images (A Spanish film class), Spanish Poetry, and Icons and Traditions of Spain. Spain, Spain, Spain, SPAIN! I'll be an expert on it by the time I leave.

We are currently in the process of planning all of our weekend trips in Spain and to other countries. Pretty soon my blog will turn even more international! This weekend it is off to Segovia, just a few hours on train!

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